Do you agree with how our country deals with Illegal Immigration?

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Formulated Opinion

I have concluded from my research that as of now, our current immigrant policy is unefficient.  There are tons of illegal immigrants coming to the U.S. everyday recieving benefits and getting jobs without paying taxes or helping our economy.  We need more skilled labor as well, not just an abundance of unskilled workers.  However, if a person wishes to go to another country, they should be able to.  Alot of the time people come illegaly because it is very difficult to become a citizen.  The U.S. should be more receptive to immigrants with good intentions, however with the increasing population obviously the U.S. cannot let every person who wishes to be a citizen become one.  The U.S. cannot sustain that many people and will just end up depleting everything causing more economic distress.  So while I do not agree we should not let any immigrants in, it is still necessary to be selective on who is to become a citizen.  I think everyone can agree however that our current system needs major reforming.

Immigration Good or Bad?

Weighing Illegal Immigration Pros and Cons

Justice RenderedHave you ever wondered, how important is to know the right facts regarding this very serious issue of illegal immigration? Wrong perceptions and information about this cause can create more troubles for the country and can affect the life of US citizens badly. It thus becomes imperative for you me and the authorities to weigh illegal immigration pros and cons before giving any sort of conclusion. Empathizing with the severity of this issue, this page has formulated and evaluated all the aspects of illegal immigration. Whether it is regarding those highly debated illegal immigrations pros or the facts that lies on the other side of the coin, everything has been synopsized here.
There are only a very few illegal immigration pros but they too fail miserably to justify such illicit intrusion and then later creating a havoc in the country. There are so many illegal immigration cons to justify that illegal immigration never benefits any country and must be impeded by the government at any cost. Now that you are not oblivious to this, why don’t you weigh illegal immigration pros and cons separately, understand the intricacies involved in both and then take a stand on this issue? For easy reference, both illegal immigration pros and cons are discussed separately in the following sections of this write up.

Illegal immigration pros:
Catch a glimpse of the reasons why our government officials are not impeding it and in a way are supporting it. Here is why-
  • As per the data collected by Internal Revenue Service, the US government received $305 million as taxes collected from the illegal immigrants in the US. It is believed that the illegal aliens who reside at borders and other parts of the country help increase business in such areas by purchasing goods. Whenever they purchase a good or commodity, in a way they are paying taxes as well.
  • Another illegal immigration pro fact is that these illegal immigrants are always ready to take up low wage jobs and are very willing to take up tasks that an ordinary American might hesitate in undertaking. As a result, many companies are benefiting from this because they are getting cheap labor within the country.
  • It also has been mentioned in the data that illegal immigrants make use of their ITIN number for filling their taxes, so this shows they are responsible.
But can it be assured that each one of them do so. There are over 20 million illegal immigrants in the US. Are these pro statistics enough to let illegal immigrants continue intruding our borders?
Illegal Immigration Cons:
Illegal immigration cons are numerous.
  • They are taking away jobs that are meant for Native Americans and legal immigrants.
  • Illegal immigrants utilize health, shelter and education benefits at the cost of taxes paid by Native Americans.
  • Illegal aliens have made crime scenario in the US worst ever. They are involved in most robberies, murder cases and all those hideous tasks that are unjustified both legally and morally.
  • Moreover, they never pay taxes.
Now that you have both illegal immigration pros and cons statistics right here, it is quite certain that you don’t feel that the illegal immigrant pros can ever outgrow the cons. The side effects of illegal immigration are very severe. Our economy, US native citizens, businesses and all other things that makes the US are very badly hurt by illegal immigration.-Illegal Immigration Statistics

Mexico’s Newest Export – Illegal Immigration Crime Statistics

MEXICO ORGANIZED CRIMEMexicans have seldom proved themselves as good neighbors for the US. Among the total number of illegal immigrants that enters our country each year, Mexicans have the highest percentage in it. For many decades they have continued their illegal infringement into our nation and have never ceased their ill acts that only deteriorate the scenario for us. The illegal immigration crime statistics in the US are worsening day by day. All thanks to Mexico all over again, Mexicans have a huge contribution in these statistics too.
Their intrusion is not just limited to the country and they have not just jeopardized our illegal immigration statistics, but they have left no stone unturned in further deteriorating the crime scene in the US.
Today, the life of a common native US citizen is hauled up as a result of Mexican intrusion into our own home land. Of all the crimes that take place in the US, Mexicans are involved in almost all of them. Whether it is the drug rackets that are busted by the American police or the robberies that take place here to the murders and theft cases that are registered, illegal Mexican immigrants are being charged against all of them. Mexico’s newest export to the US is nonetheless, illegal criminal immigrants.Prisoners

Mexico has always abused their close proximity with the US border. Today, no nation is oblivious to the deteriorating crime statistics in Mexico as well. The ever increasing rate of druggists and drug suppliers in Mexico has only posed a great threat to the US and to the entire world as well. Undoubtedly, there is a huge difference in the quality of life in the US and Mexico. In Mexico, there may be very difficult circumstances that are forcing so many citizens to immigrate to other countries, especially to the US. But their exploitation and squandering is just not justified.
California PrisonsThe US government has been long trying to clean the country from all the illegal immigrants, especially the Mexicans. Their inadequacy and scarcity in implementing better strategies and strengthening the forces at the border has definitely resulted in such scary circumstances in the country. In California detention centers, of the total of 24.9% of the detainees are illegal Mexican immigrants. The scenario is quite similar in Arizona but with a bigger figure of 40.1%.
Illegal Mexican immigrants have created a sort of havoc in the US. They are caught in all wrong deeds and are then send to jails, they come out and repeat their actions.
The government must take up some serious steps against the illegal Mexicans that have infringed our lives and our country. Otherwise these illegal immigration crime statistics will only get worse. It is time we all raise a voice against it or at least inform the authorities about any illegal immigrant activity that we notice in our surroundings-Illegal Immigrant Statistics
As we can see, illegal immigrants are causing a lot of problems.  Not only is it creating a population boom and depleting our natural resources, but causing economic problems as well.

Utah-Opposite Stance of Arizona

Utah Immigration Laws Demand Swift Response from Federal Government

Claudia Wright attends Dignity Rally @ Centro Civico Mexicano
The federal government must take decisive action to block implementation of Utah laws that flagrantly ignore federal immigration laws, demanded the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR). Key provisions of the bills signed into law on Tuesday by Gov. Gary Herbert are unconstitutional and defy federal authority over the establishment of immigration policy, argued the organization.
Unlike Arizona's SB 1070, which sought to have the state enforce existing U.S. immigration laws, the legislation signed by Gov. Herbert essentially creates a separate immigration policy for Utah. Among the unconstitutional provisions of the bills signed into law by Gov. Herbert:

  • Utah would grant two-year work permits to illegal aliens residing in Utah in spite of the fact that they are expressly prohibited by Congress from working in the United States.
  • The same Utah law would allow the state to circumvent the employer sanctions provision of the 1986 Immigration Reform and Control Act by requiring the governor to seek a waiver from the federal government. Yet the executive branch lacks the constitutional authority to change immigration laws written by Congress. The Utah law would go into effect in 2013, even without federal approval.
  • Utahans would be allowed to sponsor foreign nationals to live in Utah. State governments do not have the power to admit people to the United States, or grant residents sponsorship authority. That power resides exclusively with the federal government.
"If the Obama administration thought Arizona was stepping on their toes when it attempted to enforce federal laws, Utah is stomping on their feet and poking them in the eye for good measure," said Dan Stein, president of FAIR.
"While the administration clearly approves of the political objective of allowing illegal aliens to remain and work in the country legally, states do not have the constitutional authority to write their own immigration policies. As a matter of principle and in defense of the Constitution, the Obama administration has no choice but to file suit against Utah."
In addition to laws that are clearly unconstitutional, Gov. Herbert also signed legislation that would seem to defy logic and common sense. Among the bills he signed is one that enters Utah a state with a 7.6 percent unemployment rate into a partnership with the Mexican state of Nuevo Leon to recruit guest workers. This law would require that the U.S. government issue visas before the workers are admitted.
"Gov. Herbert and the Utah legislature, like most Americans, are frustrated by the federal government's seeming inability to enact sensible immigration reforms, and its unwillingness to enforce existing ones," Stein said. "Federal statutes give states certain powers to enforce immigration laws, not to create their own immigration laws as Utah has done.
"No state has the authority to grant de facto amnesty to illegal aliens by issuing them work permits, or the authority to admit foreign nationals outside of the quotas and parameters established under federal law. And no political objective on the part of the administration in power would justify the implementation of laws that clearly usurp federal authority. President Obama took an oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States, and what the Utah legislature and Gov. Herbert have done represents a clear test of his willingness to honor that pledge," concluded Stein.-Illegal Immigration Statistics
Utah has taken a different stance than Arizona.  They have decided to take a more tolerant stand with Immigration.  The Supreme Court has decided they need to step in.


Supreme Court Finds No Federal Conflict with Arizona Laws Protecting Legal Workers

Arizona StateIn a forceful decision that has broad implications for immigration enforcement at the state level, the United States Supreme Court today upheld the Arizona Legal Workers Act. Passed in 2007, the Act has two major components: (1) it requires Arizona employers to use the federal E-Verify system; and (2) it allows Arizona to suspend and/or revoke the business licenses of employers who knowingly hire illegal aliens. The Chamber of Commerce filed a lawsuit in 2007 seeking to strike down the Arizona law, arguing that both provisions were preempted by federal law. However, in today's 5-3 decision in Chamber of Commerce v. Whiting, 563 U.S. __ (2011), the Supreme Court rejected each one of the Chamber's arguments and held that Arizona's law is constitutional.
In the majority opinion, the Court unmistakably concluded that the enforcement scheme of the Arizona Legal Workers Act is expressly permitted by federal statute and furthers Congressional intent that our immigration laws be enforced. "Arizona's procedures simply implement the sanctions that Congress expressly allowed Arizona to pursue through licensing laws," Chief Justice John Roberts wrote. "Arizona went the extra mile in ensuring that its law closely tracks IRCA's provisions [the 1986 federal immigration law] in all material aspects." The Court further rejected the Chamber's argument that the Arizona licensing scheme was preempted as having "no basis in law, fact, or logic . . ."

Dan Stein, President of the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) said, "Today's decision once and for all clarifies that states may require employers to use E-Verify and allows them to sanction employers if they knowingly hire illegal aliens. With this opinion, the Supreme Court has dealt a game-changing blow to special interests that have misused federal preemption claims to impede meaningful immigration enforcement at the local level."
"The court decision affirms our belief that federal law does not preclude immigration enforcement by states and localities, and that immigration enforcement should be a collaborative effort in which states and localities work together in the enforcement of federal immigration laws," Stein continued. "The only thing this decision 'pre-empted' was the U.S. Chamber of Commerce's strong-armed tactics to intimidate local lawmakers from trying to protect their state's legal workers."
FAIR and the Immigration Reform Law Institute are proud to have shaped this landmark legislation. Other states considering mandatory E-Verify laws now have a green light to proceed and can do so with the confidence that they are working within a legal framework on behalf of their citizens-Illegal Immigration Statistics
There has been much debate over whether Arizona was being unfair or stereotyping by setting in place the law that people must be able to prove they are citizens.  There has been alot of debate over this, and backlash from many democrats, however the Supreme Court upheld Arizona's law saying it was constitutional to allow them to check for ID's etc.

Immigration Statistics This video represents the current population growth, and what could happen if we continue our current immigrant policy. Especially with our recent economic crises, illegal immigration has been causing further poverty according to Illegal Immigration Statics.  It shows that many illegals are impoverished already and are normally unskilled labor.  This gives an abundance for one side of jobs, forcing Americans to gain a skill (not necessarily a bad thing). The problem however is that with such an abundance their are limited jobs.  We also face the problem that illegal immigrants do not pay into taxes, but they recieve health, education, and other benefits.  This site has provided that the education for illegals alone costs the U.S. $52 billion.  Is this draining our economy to the point where it is unfixable?

U.S. Immigration

For immigration to the United States, their is an extensive process an immigrant must first go through.  They are required to do an interview as well as take a test.  This test is usually very hard to pass.  The questions include information about Congress, our national symbols, presidents, etc. This is a link to some of the questions  To pass the Naturalization test an immigrant must pass by 60%.  Many polls have shown that U.S. citizens are unable to pass, which is ironic to say the least.
The U.S. Immigration blog site:
Opinion piece on Naturalization:


"Conservative ideas are making an astonishing comeback—thanks in part to the ceaseless efforts of The Heritage Foundation, a public policy think tank that promotes the principles that made America great: free enterprise, limited government, individual freedom, traditional American values, and a strong national defense."-The Heritage Foundation
The Heritage Foundation is against immigrants, as they believe it takes away from American jobs and cripples the economy.  Their stance is that if they are illegal they should be deported.  They also advocate stronger borders, being able to check ID to ensure citizenship, and other precautionary laws.
For more information visit:


"Citizenship enhances meaningful participation and incorporation into American society. More importantly, naturalization directly connects individuals to the fundamental ideals of American democracy by enabling them to contribute to civic life in their local communities."-NCLR
The NCLR (National Council of La Raza) helps latinos in education, wealth, nutrition, work, and the youth.  Specifically it helps with the naturalization process.  They are advocates of latino rights and have been fighting against laws that prohibit immigrants from getting jobs (illegal or not).  Their stance is that the Naturalization process needs a lot of reform.
This is their website for additional information:


This blog has been created to provide information on illegal immigration.  I will attach factual information as well as opinion pieces in order to help create a solid stance on whether illegal immigration is good or bad; whether or not our country handles it appropriately; and what impacts the nation has with not only illegal immigrants but those who get naturalized as well.  I will discuss the naturalization process to allow for informed opinions to be made also.  At the end I will provide informed answers to the poll questions, along with a brief explanation of my own beliefs on this issue.